Bass High School

Safe, Respectful Learners

Telephone02 9726 3644

Bass High School anti-bullying policy

Bass High School anti-bullying policy

At Bass High School, everyone has the right to feel safe and respected. We do not tolerate any behaviour that threatens a student's right to a safe learning environment. Our school has policies and practices to prevent and address student bullying.

Staff responsibilities:

  • Be role models: show care, compassion, and build positive relationships.
  • Stay alert: watch for early signs of distress or bullying.
  • Take action: use protective and preventive measures in the classroom and playground.
  • Support students: apply early intervention strategies promptly.
  • Follow guidelines: use Ready to Learn Guidelines to support learning and wellbeing.
  • Report incidents: report suspected bullying to the appropriate staff member quickly.
  • Document incidents: record incidents on the school database (Sentral).

Student responsibilities

  • Report bullying: Tell a Year Advisor or trusted staff member about any bullying incidents.
  • Take action: If possible, prevent bullying, especially online (e.g., block or delete harmful content).
  • Respect community: understand and respect your role and responsibilities in the school community.

Parent responsibilities

  • Watch for signs: look for signs of distress in your child, such as:
    • not wanting to go to school
    • trouble sleeping
    • disengagement in learning.
  • Report: encourage your child to report bullying to the school directly.
  • Discourage retaliation: advise against retaliating against the bully.
  • Attend meetings: Be willing to attend interviews and participate in intervention strategies.

Consequences for bullying

  • Investigation: discuss the incident with the students involved and collect written statements.
  • Inform parents: call parents or carers to inform them of the incident.
  • Mediation: mediation between the victim and bully and discuss the consequences.
  • Agreement: come to an agreement to stop the bullying.
  • Interventions: implement program interventions and make referrals if needed. Serious incidents will be referred to the Deputy Principal.
  • Record and monitor: record the incident on Sentral and monitor for patterns of bullying behaviour. Serious incidents will lead to further disciplinary action. This may result in suspension according to DoE Disciplinary Policy.

For more information view or download the Bass High School anti-bullying policy (PDF 1.5MB)