Bass High School

Safe, Respectful Learners

Telephone02 9726 3644

2019 Homework Centre

Homework Centre at Bass High School 2019

The Homework Centre runs during term on three afternoons per week in the library. All students are welcome to attend once they have provided a signed information and permission note with details of parent contact.

In 2019 the hours are:

Tuesdays: 2:30-4:00pm

Wednesdays and Thursdays: 3:00-4:30 pm

Students are free to attend as many sessions as they wish per week. They must sign in and out of each session and are not permitted to leave the library area during Homework Centre hours.

Teachers will attend on a roster basis with emphasis on providing students with a range of KLA expertise to draw from. A mathematics teacher will be present wherever possible, for example.

Disruptive behaviour is not tolerated and students who disturb the study of others will be removed from the library.

Students must be engaged in meaningful work. This can include homework, assignments, research and quiet reading. They may call on teachers for assistance whenever required.

Study groups are sometimes organised for a specific purpose or to prepare for examinations.

All students are welcome to attend.

Mr J Ryan - Homework Centre Coordinator