Bass High School

Safe, Respectful Learners

Telephone02 9726 3644

Bass High School Captain Selection Process 2019

Year 12 students have been invited to apply for the role of Bass High School Captain for 2019. A total of four positions will be available to the successful applicants. These will be TWO School Captains and TWO Vice Captains.

Year 12 students interested in applying for School Captain will be given an application form during Week 2. This form asks them to provide evidence of their leadership experience and commitment to Bass High School.

After their applications have been reviewed by a panel of Bass High School staff, successful applicants will be invited to deliver a speech to the student body on why they would make an outstanding school captain. This assembly will be held in the hall during Week 4 and all parents/caregivers of the nominated students will be invited to attend.

At the assembly, the students and staff at Bass High School will vote in an anonymous ballot for their school captain preference. The applicants with the 1st and 2nd most votes will be announced as School Captain, and the applicants with the 3rd and 4th most votes will be announced as Vice Captains. All other applicants will be invited to join the SRC.

The role of school captain involves being an outstanding role model to all students within the school, upholding the values and attitudes of Bass High School at all times, as well as representing the school at formal occasions held within and outside of the school.

We wish all students applying for this rewarding role the best of luck!

Ms L-A Hudson

Student Leadership Co-ordinator