Bass High School

Safe, Respectful Learners

Telephone02 9726 3644

Refugee Week Celebrations

Refugee Week was wonderful opportunity for Bass High to celebrate the contribution refugees make to our school and our society, while raising awareness, remembering and honouring the often perilous journey that refugees have taken to reach Australia.

Food is one of the greatest ways we can bring people together and share our cultures with others. That is why this year’s theme for Refugee Week is ‘A World of Stories’ where we are bringing food to the focus and asking you to ‘Share a meal, share a story…’

Through storytelling we also have the chance to educate our community to better understand the courage and contribution that refugees make in our society.

It was an honour to hear from former Bass High student Hamoyoun Hatif who spoke very movingly to a school assembly about his experience as a refugee. We are very proud of Hamoyoun, now studying at Sydney University, and the many students like him, who are already making an amazing contribution to their community.