Bass High School

Safe, Respectful Learners

Telephone02 9726 3644


18th March 2020

Dear Parents,

As you are aware, we are in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic. The situation in regard to COVID-19 continues to evolve and efforts are now focused on considered actions to slow the spread of the virus in the community. If any families, students or staff return from an overseas destination from the 16th March 2020, they must self-isolate for a period of 14 days.

With this in mind, and in accordance with advice received from NSW Health, we have discussed the following three actions with students to help manage the spread:

  1. Wash your hands with soap regularly and thoroughly.
  2. Sneeze into your elbow or a tissue, disposing of the tissue straight away.
  3. Stay at home if you are unwell. Students will need to be sent home if they are at school and appear unwell during the day.

As a school, we will also be following guidelines from the Department of Education and implementing some social distancing measures, including:

  • Cancelling all school assemblies and year meetings until further notice. Important messages will be communicated with students through classroom announcements.
  • Cancelling excursions outside of our local community until further notice.
  • Cancelling all regular school events including external sporting activities until further notice.

We will cancel our Year 10 Information evening and Parent Teacher evening that were due to take place in the last few weeks of this term. We will endeavour to keep you updated with other such cancellations via Facebook and our school website.

I ask that you pay close attention to your child’s health. It is imperative that you keep your child at home and seek medical advice if they exhibit flu-like symptoms including a high temperature and/or respiratory difficulties.

Please contact the school if you have any questions or concerns.

Yours sincerely,

Martin Toaetolu
