Bass High School

Safe, Respectful Learners

Telephone02 9726 3644

Schools Remain Open

Schools remain open

The health advice on schools remains unchanged.  Our Chief Medical Officers indicate that our schools should remain open for education provision at this time.

The Government and Department are encouraging you to keep your child at home from Tuesday 24 March to contribute to supporting the community response to COVID-19. The school’s doors will remain open for those students whose parents are in the essential services or who are vulnerable.

As updated expert information comes to the Department, who are in constant liaison with NSW Health we will keep you informed of any impact on school operations.

Supporting continuity of learning for all students

Our staff have been working hard to develop a suite of learning resources and options for students to undertake from home. The Department has developed and will continue to develop resources and offer professional learning to help teachers with this task.

Whether your child is at school or at home, the aim is for all students to access the consistent learning content provided by our school. This may mean sending work home, either with physical materials or by email, or by making use of one of our online platforms at our school.

Support for students at home

I encourage you to access the Learning from Home resource which provides practical advice to parents and carers on how to best create and support a productive learning environment in the home.