31 Mar 2020
To all Bass High School students and parents
The last few days of remote learning have been challenging for our students and their parents. As a school we have been working hard to get learning packages out to our Year 7 - 10 students, particularly our families that do not have access to the internet. Selected senior learning packages have been organised and an sms will be sent to families of these students when the learning packages are ready for collection.
We are currently organising procedures for work completed to be returned to the school for Teacher feedback. We will get back to you with information on how this will occur. Students using online learning platforms such as google classrooms will be able to receive immediate feedback from their Teachers. The hall is currently being used as our distribution centre for learning package picks ups. I would like to thank our students and parents for their patience over the time it took us to set this process up.
All assessments tasks due this week and next week will be pushed back into Term 2. I am in the process of adjusting assessment details for Years 7 - 12 to account for the current disruption to student learning. I will be cancelling all Year 7 - 10 exams that are usually scheduled in Term 2 and faculties are in the process of reviewing their assessment tasks to minimise the disruptions to student learning. A revised Year 11 and 12 Assessment Schedule booklet will be downloaded onto our school website with notification on our school Facebook page.
Feel free to reach out to our Years Advisers, Head Teachers, Deputy Principals or myself if you have any concerns or questions. I will continue to update you with further school information over the next few days.
Yours Sincerely
Martin Toaetolu
Bass High School
Arundle Road, Bass Hill 2197