30 Apr 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome back to Term Two, in which we have recommenced online learning and the use of hard copy learning packs at Bass High School. We appreciate your patience as the staff work diligently to create additional learning packs for students that will begin to be distributed on Monday 4th May. The school will communicate when each year group’s packs are ready to be collected via text message.
The learning packs that were distributed during Term One are filled with a range of learning materials from faculties at Bass High School, including classwork and assessment tasks. It is important that students begin to submit this work as soon as possible so that teachers are able to provide timely and meaningful feedback.
To accommodate for the safe collection of work from students, there will be boxes in the School Hall labelled with the day of the week. On each day, members of the school community will be able to access the submission boxes between the hours of 1PM & 3PM. The school will provide paper envelopes for the work to be placed in and ask that the person submitting the work write the name of the student clearly on the front of each envelope. There will also be school staff in the hall to assist with any inquiries.
We will not be able to accept any form of plastic (including folders and plastic sleeves) in the learning pack submission boxes, as we are trying to eliminate any chances of cross contamination for our school community. COVID-19 can only survive on porous substances like paper for up to 24 hours, but can survive on plastic for longer periods of time.
At the end of each day, these boxes will be quarantined for 24-36 hours. They will then be reopened, sorted and distributed to staff for feedback. Teachers will work to have the learning materials returned to students as soon as possible and may communicate feedback via phone calls, online meetings and/or mailing the marked work home.
The school hall will be open for the submission of completed work every afternoon from Thursday 30th April. If you are unable to make it to the school between the hours of 1PM and 3PM please contact us to make alternate arrangements.
Yours Sincerely,
Martin Toaetolu
Bass High School
(02) 9726 3644