28 Apr 2020
LIVE ONLINE LESSONS will start tomorrow for ONLY Year 11 & 12 students. Live lessons will occur 2 or 3 times per day starting from 10am tomorrow.
Students will need to access their online learning timetable via the Sentral Student Portal and use Zoom to connect to the live lessons.
All year 11 and 12 students are expected to log into their lessons, please contact the school if technology is a barrier. Lessons can be accessed on a phone, tablet or computer. Internet access is required. For full instructions on how to access online lessons, click the link below.
How to access online Zoom lessons
How to access Sentral student portal to view your timetable
How to access emails tutorial
How to use Google Classroom
Online learning packages continue to be available for Year 7 to 10 through Sentral Parent/Student portal and Google Classroom.