Bass High School

Safe, Respectful Learners

Telephone02 9726 3644

NSW Equity Consortium Project

In building the literacy skills of our students in Year 9, we are participating in the NSW Equity Consortium Project. The NSW Equity Consortium is a voluntary partnership between three Sydney universities (UNSW, Macquarie University and University of Technology Sydney) who are currently engaged in school partnerships that build student and school capacity for university pathways. The Consortium invites your child to take part in this project which examines how universities work together with partner schools in the classrooms.

As part of this Project, students will be invited to participate in learning activities and research in class.  Please note that there are no costs associated with participating in this project, nor will you or your child be paid. You will be asked to provide your consent for the research team to share or use the information collected from your child in future. Your child’s information will be kept confidential to maintain privacy.

Please note that if your child has permission not to publish photos- we will ensure that we will abide by this request. 

Please read and return the signed note with your child by 20th February 2021

For further information please follow the link below or contact Ms Virwani (Instructional Leader) at school on 9726 3644.
