Bass High School

Safe, Respectful Learners

Telephone02 9726 3644

Year 12, Valentine's Day Fundraiser

Yr 12 Valentine Day's Fundraiser

Year 12's Valentine's Day fundraiser was a huge success as students raised funds for their year group by selling roses, raffle tickets and treats.

There were lots of smiling faces around the school as students in all years as well as staff received anonymous roses gifted by Year 12 cupids.

Some lucky winners won big prizes in the raffle, including restaurant vouchers, flowers, teddy bears, candles, and even a giant fruit basket. A lucky guesser also went home with a huge jar of lollies after making a guess of 170 lollies in a jar that contained 168.

Year 12 would like to extend their heartfelt thanks to all students and staff for their support in spreading the love! The year group were able to raise $800 to help cover costs associated with their graduation and end of school festivities. This fundraiser was a great way to start the year and reinvigorate the school with the feeling of community spirit and fun.

A big thank you to Bass High School supporters for their kind donations to the raffle;

Panania Florist, Jay Kay Designs, Lazydaisyflorist Enzo's Cucina Panania Four Seasons Revesby